GOGOP seeks to provide political, economic, and intellectual support of our political representatives through networking, awareness, outreach and fundraising.

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Concerned Citizens Impacting Change

The Greater Oakland Republican Club (GOGOP) is made up of Constitution-loving citizens of Lake Orion, Oxford, Rochester Hills, Addison Township, Oakland Township, Auburn Hills, Clarkston and surrounding communities who endorse prudent government at the local, state and national levels.

GOGOP seeks to provide political, economic, and intellectual support of our political representatives through networking, awareness, outreach and fundraising.

Our Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at Johnny Black’s Pub House in Lake Orion, Michigan (the one on Baldwin Road). But check out the Calendar for the most up to date info on our meetings. The meetings run from 7 to 9 p.m. Local experts and State elected officials are often scheduled to discuss important issues of the day.

In addition, we host fundraisers, a picnic and other special fun events throughout the year.


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Community Involvement


Friends, Festivity, & Fundraising Fun! Join GOGOP at our yearly Oktoberfest celebration for live music, a full dinner and German beer!

Community Involvement

Every year, GOGOP participates in a number of community events around Oakland County. Pictured here is the annual Road Clean-Up Crew, around Oakland County.


Who doesn’t love a good patriotic parade? All members are able to join us in each parade as we march and show our pride for our party! Join us for the next one.


A doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial or political issue.

The Greater Oakland Republican Club often host a show that airs on Orion Neighborhood Television (ONTV) called On the Right Side with GOGOP. We address topics relevant to our community to inform and educate voters in our area.


“As a member of Congress and during my tenure as Michigan Senate Majority Leader, I’ve worked with political clubs and organizations across the country. I can say without reservation, Michigan’s own GOGOP, is one of the very best with which I’ve had the honor to work. When the community needs education on an issue or event, or if immediate action is needed, no other organization will react more competently and effectively than GOGOP and its members.”

Michael Bishop

U.S. Representative, Michigan's 8th Congressional District (2015 - 2019)

“The Greater Oakland Republicans provide exciting, meaningful experiences for members of all ages. GOGOP’s top-notch leadership provided me the opportunity to step up and make positive change within my community.”

Paul Stephens

Youth Vice Chairman, Michigan Republican Party

“GOGOP is instrumental on educating the members and public at large on important topics that effect all residents, such as, road funding. These educated speakers are hands on professionals who are challenged with the task of improving our state and communities everyday. Speakers include the Road Commission, State Legislators, Oakland County Executive Board Members, and Professors. These speakers share a conservative, working knowledge that benefits all citizens.”

Donni Steele

Treasurer, Orion Township

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